Our Mission
Owning German Shepherds is a wonderful and rewarding experience, however it comes with great responsibility and requires attention and commitment. Sadly many people buy into the breed with little or no preparation for what they undertake. This leaves hundreds of dogs into lives at shelters and as many are euthanized unnecessarily. Our goal is to provide an option to help re-home many of these unwanted dogs and give them a chance to realize what a loving family life is like.

Our Story
One dog at a time...
Having owned German Shepherds my whole life I understand the breed and the responsibility of ownership. German Shepherds are herding dogs, they must be actively employed doing something or they will quickly get bored and that is when destructive behaviors can set in.
After owning and breeding cross between American bred German Shepherds and European bred Shepherds we found that there were unusually high numbers of German Shepherds in shelters. After exploring the revelation it drove us to work on finding homes for these dogs. We started as a foster. Gretchen and Sammy came to us first along with Angelica, then soon after Cali. We were able to find homes for Angelica and Cali but Sammy had a floppy ear and Gretchen appeared to be an older dog so they were overlooked by potential adopters. A few months after Cali was adopted her new owner returned her to us because she was “too high energy” for her. We then figured out that this rescue thing was going to take lots of effort. Since 2009 we have helped rescue and re-home over 40 German Shepherds and counting. Each week we receive a call from someone either looking to re-home their Shepherd or a shelter with a dog on death row. We can’t save them all, but we try to save them one dog at a time.
Making A Difference
Animal Rescue and Care
We work with shelters and Humane Society organizations to hold and rescue German Shepherds that are surrendered, captured or turned over to animal services. Our goal is to find suitable, permanent homes for German Shepherds, Malinois and other related breeds so that they are not euthanized. We offer rehabilitation of dogs with issues such as aggression, behavior, obedience and socialization. All dogs leave our care spayed or neutered, micro-chipped and current on their vaccinations. Some require long term care such as treatment for Heartworm infestation or physical disabilities.

Placement and Commitment
We do not charge adoption fees. Any cost associated with adoption of a dog are to recover costs for spay, neuter, veterinarian bills, micro-chips, medications or any other costs associated with the recovery and care for the dog. Often we waive or reduce fees to accommodate the placement of the dog in a good home. It is our goal to see the German Shepherd in a good one on one or family pack type environment.

"German Shepherds require a strong leader from the start, If you fail to provide direction and control they will take direction on their own and the results can be disastrous"
Bill Watson

Contact Alsatian German Shepherd Rescue
PO Box 875
Lacoochee, Florida 33537
813 624-3787